



Although I had the experience of readings with other psychics, I visited Keith Charles on the recommendation of a friend. Keith's reading was not the waffle encountered through mediums and psychics of the past - this was good stuff and very positive.

Keith gave me very acurate information during my reading that I was later to confirm with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. In my opinion there is no doubt he made contact with the spirit world. How else can private and detailed information be clarified by a complete stranger that has never met me before?

Hugh, East Sussex

When a friend told me of Keith's abilities I was dubious, but even the remote possibility of hearing from my parents made up my mind. Unbelievable, amazing, astonishing, incredible. I can't think of enough words to describe my thoughts. I phoned Keith from my home in Sydney , Australia and without knowing anything about me, other than my christian name, Keith gave me just four names all four were my departed relatives - my mother, father and two aunts, one of whom was Nelly, not exactly the top of a list of names you might guess.

The messages came from mum and she validated her existence in the spirit world by correctly saying that I had her ring on the third finger of my right hand and that my sister wore her bracelet on her left wrist. Not only that, I have two sisters and she said that it was my sister with the bad back - again spot on.

There were many other things, some personal that nobody but my husband knew about, but through Keith mum let me know that she was there for me. Other things she said related to things I had been doing over the previous few days - nobody knew about them.

Perhaps the most amazing thing was when she congratulated me on an award our company's product had just won. I told Keith that this didn't mean anything to me. He told me that he was seeing a certificate, the sort of thing you'd put in a frame and hang on the wall, but still that meant nothing to me. Keith said to put such things to one side, they may mean something later. Was he ever right ! When I told my husband about this, he said he hadn't had time during the day to tell me, but he'd had a phone call from our distributor in America to say that the product had won an innovation award and that he would get the certificate copied and framed and send it to us.

Some people say that the medium is simply reading minds. I would have been impressed enough if Keith could read my mind down the phone 12,000 miles away, but he certainly couldn't read what wasn't there.

I had always had trouble sleeping and when I told my sisters about the reading they both said that I wouldn't sleep for a week with the excitement. That night I had the best night's sleep I can remember. The comfort I have had from the now certain knowledge that my mum is with me and looking over me is beyond words. My life had changed for the better and I will forever be grateful to Keith and his wonderful gift.

Unsolicited testimonial
from Helen R. Sydney, NSW, Australia

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Keith's personal consultations are held at
Wimbledon, London or Eastbourne, Sussex.
Click here for postal address.