


Frequently Asked Questions

Q Is there a time span before someone may communicate

There is no time span nor time barrier preventing communication. Dependant on circumstance of passing, (some recovery time may be required. The strength of the individual and their desire to link, may facilitate easier and swifter communication.

Q Do we take physical and mental disabilities with us

In the afterlife we have no physical body, reverting to our spiritual self. Hence we have memories of the physical world but no handicaps, disabilities, or diseases.

Q Do Suicides go to Heaven

Yes. Victims will continue their spiritual pathway, as we all do, but will be educated in the divine laws of life.

Q Is there a seperate animal Heaven

There is no seperate heaven. Animals have a spirit and their life continues too, often proving this when they accompany comminucators to prove their spiritual survival.

Q How would I develop any gift?

In order to obatin the best from any gift you may be blessed with, an experienced teacher, will show you. Development classes are held at most Spiritualsi Churches. Attend your local one and friendly staff will put you in the right direction.

Q Can anyone be a Medium?

No. If you are blessed with the gift of mediumship you will know it and have some wonderful experiences. Almost everyone has psychic gifts, but these should not be mistaken for the ability to communicate with spirit and obtain evidence of survival.

Q Are Ouija boards dangerous?

I have experienced the use of ouija boards, and find the use of them in communication often slow and ponderous. Unfortunately people misuse this 'tool' and any tool when misused is dangerous.

Q Do children grow in spirit.

As we leave our physical body behind a child does not grow physically, but they will continue to grow spiritually and develop this way. Yes, you will meet them and recognise them when the time comes.

Q Can I meet them in my dreams

Yes. During our sleeping period, there comes a time when our physical body is closest to death. At this time our etheric body is able to leave the physical and journey to the spirit world. 

Q Do spirit visit us and move items?

Regularly this happens. Sometimes in their frustration at not being recognised or noticed, or sometimes as a way of showing us proof of their existance in a physical way.


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